DeelkrachtQuestionnaire booklets for parents of a child with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

Questionnaire booklets for parents of a child with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

In caring for children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), good collaboration between parents and professionals is important. By working together, we can achieve more. With the project ‘Together with Parents’, we aim to improve this collaboration.

In the ‘Together with Parents’ project, a questionnaire book for parents has been developed. The purpose of this is to make parents aware of questions they can ask the therapists. During the treatment, there is a lot of focus on the child with (a suspicion of) DLD and what the child needs. As a result, there is often less attention to what parents experience and how they can cope with it.

The booklet is intended to put these topics ‘on the map’. Parents can get ideas about questions they can ask through the examples. These are questions they might not otherwise ask. As a professional, you can give the booklet to parents of a child with DLD and use it in treatment

Questionnaire Booklet in Turkish

Questionnaire Booklet in English

Questionnaire Booklet in Polish

Questionnaire Booklet in Arabic


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